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A Georgia election official says Fayette County
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Both counties will have to recertify their results, and the margin between Trump and Biden Online Cigarettes Store USA will be about 13, 000 votes when those previously uncounted votes are accounted for, Sterling said.

County elections workers have been working on the hand tally since Friday. State law leaves it up to the secretary of state to choose which race to audit. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger selected the presidential race and said the tight margin meant the audit would require a full hand recount.

The counties have until 11: 59 p. m. Wednesday to complete the hand count. The secretary of state’s office originally said the results of the hand tally would be certified. But Sterling said Tuesday that the state would instead certify the results certified by the counties.

Once the results are certified, if the margin between the candidates remains Newport Pleasure within 0. 5%, the losing campaign can request a recount. That would be done using scanners that read and tally the votes and would be paid for by the state, Raffensperger has said.

State election officials have consistently defended the integrity of Georgia's vote count Newport 100s Box and have said the audit is expected to affirm the results. They have conceded that there may be wrongdoing — people who vote twice or people who vote despite not being eligible — and have pledged to investigate any cases.

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